Lavish With Card And Chocolates

This stunning arrangement of roses and Asiatic lilies complemented with lush greenery is the perfect combination of soft pink tones. Suitable for every special occasion, from saying 'I miss you' to 'Happy Mother’s Day', these vibrant and uplifting flowers are bound to impress.

This offer is one of our seasonal specials.This special is subject to availability and can be withdrawn at any time.

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Lavish With Card And Chocolates Flowers

$119.85 - You save $14.90

Now $104.95

Plus Delivery

This stunning arrangement of roses and Asiatic lilies complemented with lush greenery is the perfect combination of soft pink tones. Suitable for every special occasion, from saying 'I miss you' to 'Happy Mother’s Day', these vibrant and uplifting flowers are bound to impress. This offer is one of our seasonal specials.This special is subject to availability and can be withdrawn at any time.
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